Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Poor Baby

On Tuesday, Daniel spent the day at a friend's house while I went to work (I did a shift swap so I can have Saturday off).  He did really good, but came home in new clothes.  Ashley was very kind and gave us some of her son's clothes because Daniel kept busting the buttons on his outfit.  One of the new outfits is an 18 month size!  Our 5 month old sure is a chunk, so that has been one of his nicknames, "Chunk".

Unfortunately, he has developed eczema on his little cheeks and now he has started scratching them.  We are trying out Aveeno Baby Soothing Relief Moisture Cream and also Triple Paste Triple Cream.  Both are helping quite a bit, but until he heals more, we have to put socks on his hands at night.  Poor baby!

I like both of the creams because they are scent free, but they are a little different.  The Aveeno cream is like a very thick lotion, and it absorbs into the skin pretty fast.  It is definitely not greasy and I think it helps with the itching because of the oatmeal in it.  The Triple Cream is cool because it is the same brand as the diaper paste we use that really worked for us.  It provides a better barrier on the skin, but it is a lot more greasy due to the petroleum.  We are not sure which one works the best because we use both right now, but I think that is OK because they help in different ways.

Now that baby is in bed for the night, I am really psyched to start my new book.  We just got the next Dresden book in the series, and it looks like it is going to be really cool.  Dan and I read the series together, but he can't start it until after April due to the deadline on a paper he has.  It will be really, really hard not to tell him all about it!

This picture is Daniel waking up from a nap.  The blanket is one that my mom knitted for him.


  1. he is so precious!! try arbonne baby lotion for the works fabulous!

  2. He's so cute! I love the special blankets that are made for our precious babies.

    We had trouble with Eczema and really like Exederm. It really helped Gabriel out a lot.
